Saturday, April 24, 2010

What is the scientific name when a person enters the dream stage of sleep?

Usually, it is called REM sleep. REM stands for rapid eye moment. I said usually because in most cases when one is awaken out of REM sleep, one is able to report fairly vivid dreams (even those who claim they don't dream). This happens with great frequency. In addition, during this stage of sleep the brain essentially paralyzes the body. Think about if it didn't, the body would flail all over the place, acting out the dreams. Also, this stage of sleep occurs more frequently as the night progresses. Finally, the electrical activity of your brain during this stage of sleep resembles that of the resting waking state (atleast compared to the other stages of sleep).

However, when a person is awakened out of the other stages of sleep that person is still able to report dreaming. These dreams, on the other hand, are much less frequent and much less vivid than those of REM sleep.

What is the scientific name when a person enters the dream stage of sleep?
R.E.M. Rapid Eye Movement. Your eyes are moving all over under your eyelids and you are in the dream state

rapid eye movement
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