Saturday, April 24, 2010

What is the scientific name of the Birmingham Roller Pigeon?

I believe it is a cross between the Russian Crack Tumbler and the Oriental Roller.

They originated in Birmingham, England over a hundred years ago.

They are a favorite among pigeon fanciers.

They have the ability to roll in flight...usually 4-8 months old. Hope this helps.

What is the scientific name of the Birmingham Roller Pigeon?
Thank you! Report Abuse

1 comment:

  1. The scientific name of the Roller Pigeon has been identified as COLUMBIA LIVIA on page A160 section 211.F of an abstract of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine: SLEEP, Vol. 25, Abstract Supplement 2002.

    To learn more about the Roller Pigeon and the fanciers who raise and fly them, visit www.Roller-Pigeon.Com or send email to: Support@Roller-Pigeon.Com or call 417-935-4751. Regards, Tony Chavarria
